Monday, May 30, 2011

IS TROPICAL | THE GREEKS (Metal video to an immetal song)


A friend on Facebook said, when I posted this vid, that this is the most accurate depiction of what goes on in a kid's mind. Basically.

At first I thought that he was a little off, that this video goes overboard, since the violence is brutally and salaciously glorified.

But I think what really happened is that the director had the effect he wanted on me--the violence repulsed me, because it was committed by and against children.

But then I realized I was being a douche bag, and that the violence is all animated, and no, it doesn't lead to a lack of character on the part of the kids, the band, or the video makers. This is what kids are pretending to do when they play guns.

It is accurate. And plus, it owns. Brutality reigns in this video. The musical style is definitely not metal, but we won't hold that against them, cause the song goes perfectly with the video. Somehow.

Metal. (reload the page often to refresh image...very cool)

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